LIVE from the Texas ‘Crat Spat

February 22, 2008


Hillary seemed to have a lot of control over her emotions compared to Barack.
But then again, Barack just pulled out her chair for her when she stood up: an act of chivalry OR… DUN DUN DUN: a superiority complex.

Thanks for joining the ‘Crat Spat. I enjoyed it. And if anyone finds their notebooks, I will pay you for them.

CNN, thanks:

For the close-up on my amigo, Alex Hunt, a senior here at UT.

Last round: philosophy.

“A leader’s judgment is tested in a time of crisis,” says Campbell Brown, in diligence.

What moment tested the candidates the most in their life?

Obama is giving a variety and calling it a cumulative experience (way to pack it in B). Clinton hesitates.

We know her crises. I love her jokes. We know who she’s married to. She shakes her head. She has to do that a lot–one consecutive moment Hillary.

Clinton is actually known for these sorts of jokes. I recall watching a previous debate where someone asked her how she could deal with men as a woman–she made a similar joke. Is this a campaign move?

Hillary doesn’t mind losing

She says if she doesn’t win, whatever. Democratic party is unified. Just not right now.

From us in the press room


I can’t WAIT for the spin room.

Check out this blog too

Let’s be friends

Now it’s Dems v. McCain. Obama: We’re friends right Hillary? Like, we agree on stuff….

Reaction to applause

Obama speaks over and takes a heroic tone.

Clinton pauses and sits high in glory.

Think about who you would vote for based on these two aspects, and you have your answer.

Clinton and the press box are bored

Mussharaf basket. What does it look like Barack? Where do I get one? Do they come in pink?

Commander in chief

This is where each lists their resumes. Obama thinks: “Damn.”

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