LIVE from the Texas ‘Crat Spat

February 22, 2008

Last round: philosophy.

“A leader’s judgment is tested in a time of crisis,” says Campbell Brown, in diligence.

What moment tested the candidates the most in their life?

Obama is giving a variety and calling it a cumulative experience (way to pack it in B). Clinton hesitates.

We know her crises. I love her jokes. We know who she’s married to. She shakes her head. She has to do that a lot–one consecutive moment Hillary.

Clinton is actually known for these sorts of jokes. I recall watching a previous debate where someone asked her how she could deal with men as a woman–she made a similar joke. Is this a campaign move?

1 Comment »

  1. Obama Propaganda

    Barack Obama is using the same tactics that Hiltler used.
    1) Bitterness against the current events of the past 7 years
    2) Change propaganda
    3) Programmed, promising every supporter something
    4) Attacks opponents, twisting the race factor to make the others look like they used it.
    5) Personal qualities, his self belief that leads people to believe in what he says
    6) Support by elite class in business, media and government.
    The current democratic society propaganda is more sophisticated and more elaborate due to it’s invisibility and not easily identifiable. It does not need a coordinator because it is self sustaining system. The reality of the media is that it is not accessible to everyone. It is controlled by government and the principal corporations. Why, because they have the money, authority, and power. Hegemonic ideology tries to legitimate the current society by its institutions and model of life. It is easier to change the minds of people when they think they have made the decision themselves. Quoting Gramsci, mass media does not define a new reality but rather allow those in power of society to represent themselves. The media reflects the power of the elites.
    The mass media has been compared to the influence that the role of the Church had in the Middle Ages. The media picks and chooses what they want the masses to see, leaving out that they don’t want known. The mass media sets the viewpoint by emphasizing the importance of or lack of importance of issues. This sets the agenda of what people talk about.
    Herman and Chomsky have said before raw news becomes news it must pass through a series of five filters; 1. Size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth, profit orientation of dominate mass media firms; 2. Primary source of income for mass media is advertising; 3. Reliance of government, business, experts funded and approved by them to give mass media the approved information; 5. Anti-communism as a national religion and control mechanism.
    The power of the U.S. propaganda system lies in its ability to mobilize an elite consensus, to give the appearance of democratic consent, and to create enough confusion, misunderstanding, and apathy in the general population to allow elite programs to go forward (Herman, 1996).
    An independent mind must seek to separate itself from official doctrine, and from the criticism advanced by its alleged opponents; not just from the assertion of propaganda system, but from its tacit presuppositions as well, expressed by critic and defender. (Chomsky, 1982)
    The aim of a new propaganda is to convince people to love their “slavery”, confusing it with freedom (Huxley, 1958). In this context it is difficult to open the eyes of people, because they have learned to love this way of life.

    Comment by jennifer — February 23, 2008 @ 10:21 pm

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